How Should I Sleep After Hair Transplant? - Kolan Hair - Kolan Saç Ekim Merkezi

How to sleep after a hair transplant?

Saç Ekim Sonrası Nasıl Yatmalıyım


Following the hair transplantation process, it is very important to apply the right care techniques to ensure the permanence and naturalness of the results. The question that appears in everyone’s mind after hair transplantation is “How should I sleep after hair transplant?”.

Sleep plays a critical role in the regeneration and healing of our body. The correct sleeping position after hair transplantation can accelerate the healing process and keep the implants in place. Therefore, it is of great importance to have information about how you should sleep after a hair transplant.

Lying Positions After Hair Transplant

The correct sleeping position can help protect the area where the hair follicles were implanted and speed up the healing process. Here are some suggestions for sleeping after a hair transplant:

  • Sleep on your back: The best sleeping position after treatment is on your back. This position allows you to sleep comfortably without putting pressure on the area where the hair follicles are placed.
  • Support your head: Use a soft pillow to support your head or place a towel under your head. This can increase blood flow to your head and speed up the healing process.
  • Do Not Sleep on Your Side: Sleeping on your side after a hair transplant is not recommended as it can put pressure on the hair follicles. Therefore, avoid sleeping on your side as much as possible.
  • Do Not Lie Face Down: Lying face down puts pressure on the hair follicles and can affect the healing process. Therefore, avoid this position after hair transplantation.

After a hair transplant, it is important to follow the instructions given to you by the specialist. By maintaining the proper sleeping position, you can ensure that the hair transplant is successful and that you recover quickly.

Edema After Hair Transplant

If you have had a hair transplant operation, the sleeping position is an issue to be considered. Sleeping on your side can damage the grafts and cause edema to accumulate on the sleeping side.

When sleeping on your side, the weight on your head can put pressure on the grafts, which can lead to dislocation or damage to the hair follicles. Also, in cases where blood flow is not properly maintained, edema can accumulate on the side of the head and make the healing process challenging.

Therefore, it is important to avoid sleeping on your side for at least 11 days after a hair transplant. When sleeping, you should prefer to sleep on your back or in a slightly inclined position.

During the first few days, swelling and discomfort are normal. Therefore, it is recommended to use a soft pillow to support your head. It may also be helpful to fix your hair or use a bandage while sleeping to avoid rubbing your head during sleep.

It is important to follow these recommendations for a comfortable sleep experience after hair transplantation. However, since everyone’s healing process is different, it is important to consider expert recommendations.

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