Beard Transplantation: FUE Technique

Beard and moustache transplantation is a surgical procedure used to achieve natural and permanent results. This procedure involves the transplantation of hair…
Number of Sessions Required for Hair Transplant

The number of sessions required for hair transplantation depends on a number of factors. These factors include the client’s degree of hair loss, targeted hair density and general health status. Since each client’s situation is different, a personalised approach is required to determine the number of sessions required for hair transplantation.
Hair Loss: Mesotherapy and PRP Comparison

Hair PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma) treatment is a treatment method used for hair loss. In this method, taken from the person’s own blood….
Beard Transplant: Grafts and Number of Grafts

Beard transplantation is a procedure in which hair follicles called grafts are transplanted. Each graft can have one or more hair strands.
Crusting After Eyebrow Transplant

Crusting after eyebrow transplantation is a normal process that is met with concern by many people. Skin crusts to protect itself…
How to Determine the Hair Transplant Donor Area for Best Results?

The donor area is the area where the hair follicles are taken and the transplantation is performed. Although body hair can also be used in hair transplantation, it is generally…
Hair Transplantation: What is the Success Rate?

It is seen that 80% to 90% of the transplanted hair grows successfully after hair transplantation. However, this rate may vary from person to person…
The First Month After Hair Transplantation

The first month is one of the critical phases after hair transplantation because during this period, hair follicles heal and strengthen in the new areas where they are placed…
Hair Transplantation in Winter: Get Ready for the New Year!

Since the sun emits less light in the winter season, the skin and scalp are less damaged. This accelerates the healing process after hair transplantation.
Hair Trends for 2023-2024 Season

Scrunchies, bandanas and hats accompany hair trends for the 2023-2024 season. Accessorizing is a way to reflect your personal style…