Anasayfa » Sapphire Fue Hair Transplant
Sapphire FUE hair transplant is an up-to-date and effective method using sapphire-tipped blades. In this technique, hair follicles are removed from the donor area and placed in balding areas.
The name of sapphire FUE hair transplantation comes from the sapphire-tipped micro-motors used during the procedure. The sapphire tip’s feature is that it creates less damage during the channeling phase, accelerating the healing process and making the transplanted hair look more natural.
Sapphire, a very hard crystal, is characterized by its ability to make sharper, more durable, and thinner cuts. Sapphire-tipped blades can cause less damage when removing hair follicles, causing less bleeding and promoting faster healing.
In this method, hair follicles are collected with the FUE technique, and the canal is opened using a micromotor. Special sapphire tips are preferred instead of metal slits.
Healthy grafts from the donor site are carefully placed one by one into the grooves opened with sapphire-tipped blades.
In our KolanHair Hair Transplant Center, the area to be transplanted is first evaluated by the doctor. Considering the client’s wishes, the hair transplant operation is planned and the degree of hair loss, the areas to be transplanted, and the number of grafts are determined.
In hair transplantation, every stage is of great importance to achieve an intense and natural appearance. Opening a channel in the areas to be transplanted is one of them. It is also very important that the tissue is not damaged and the blood circulation is not disturbed during channel opening. For this, “sapphire-tipped” blades are used in our center.
Sapphire-tipped blades have different advantages compared to metal silt:
Grafts are placed one by one in the pre-prepared hair transplantation area. Determining the channel directions of the areas where the grafts taken from the donor area will be placed is a very important step. This strategic placement is directly related to the natural appearance of the hair transplant results.
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